8~Shameless Dance


Aadhya’s POV

I was broken, he said those words from his own mouth. That he was with a gir-.

No, no I don't want to recall that, please disappear. How could he betray me?

If he was in love with someone else he should not have married me, but still he did so and even after my attempts to confront him he did not tell me before.

I closed the door from inside and sat there all day, allowing no one to enter, to hell with the rituals, I won't perform any with him.

I love him so much, so much. I accepted him but he could not do so, he never accepted me.

I did not seek love from him but he could have at least stayed loyal to me. I know it is common for kings to have lovers but I can't accept that. Over my dead body.

My father did that to my mother and I now understand how much she suffered, she only did so because of me and my siblings but she had taught me to never stay with a man who has betrayed you.

If he did it once, he will do it a thousand times and there is no end to it.

Anger rushes over me that time when his mother lied to me, what war? A war where he has to spend a night with a girl?

I do not care about him now.
My tears had not stopped since last night and it was already morning.

Ironically we have a celebration today, of my and his marriage, such a agony. It was supposed to be done just after a day but Maharaj was away on 'war'.

He had visited me outside, seeking me to open the door but I did not.
He yelled at me, talked to me softly and in an irritated tone as well but that didn't evoke any emotion from me.

I will do what I want now.

Determined I rose from the bed and went to get ready, like the newly wedded bride I am. I dolled my self up.

The celebration will start soon and this is an event that will just break my heart even more.

The people will provide us with their wishes and congratulations, to make our bond stronger. But little do they know, it is already maligned.

I put on my bangles, embellished with diamonds and a heavy necklace that could not compare to the weight I felt in my heart.

I filled the Vermillion on my partition, I do not even have the comfort of my husband who can fill it.

All these past days I was just consoling myself with no evidence that what I thought was true, only hope and hope alone.

I put the viel over my head and with slow steps made my way towards the door, opening it I stepped outside.

"Rajkumari, are you fine?" I heard Meera's worried voice and nodded at her. She guided me to the celebration hall.

I walked and ascended the stairs, my presence was announced and I saw Maharaj slightly through the veil.

He forwarded me his hand which I took and sat besides him on the throne. This also marked my first Queen appearance so I had to make sure not to let myself down.

I sat there with grace, the celebration began and a group of dancers performed in front of us.

I flinched a little when I felt a hand over mine, it did not take me a second to recognize it.

I turned around to look at him, only to find him straing at me already. His eyes were enough to send shivers down my spine but I stayed determined.

I turned my head straight and removed my hand from his hold, he was shocked for sure and probably angry but I am angrier.

"Samragi, iss jurrat ka natija aap janti hai  "
"You know the consequences" He told me with a heavy voice, giving me warning and I gulped down, he was scary.

"Hum jante hai parantu kya aap jante hai ki aapne humare saath kya kiya hai"

"I know but do you know what you have done to me?" I countered him, my voice was calm and I somehow managed to not let myself be scared.

"I want to tell you that-" He tried to say but I stood up instead and stepped down, the hall stilled at my actions.

I joined the group of ladies who were performing in front of everyone and ordered the musicians to continue.

I joined them, I could hear gasps and many things but I danced, my veil covered my body.

I know Suryawat considers this a shameless act but I do not and I have always been happy in dancing, sometimes to worship my deity, sometimes to celebrate and sometimes to  enjoy myself which is what I am doing now.

It was a traditional dance not any indecent one but I knew well enough of what was happening.

"Ekannt" The music stopped and the hall emptied. I stood there with no emotion.

There is no limit to how angry he is now and he knows I did this on purpose.

"Aadhya, yeh aapne kya kiya?"

"Aadhya what have you done?" Rajmata yelled at me and I did not even flinch, I expected this.

"I am sorry" Is all I uttered while I hung my head low. Father came to me and patted my head once before saying.

"Daughter, I  do not know why you did this but I hope you do not repeat it".
I nodded my head at him and he took Rajmata with him.

Now I stood there alone and saw my husband charge towards me, I was ready for it.

He will kill me surely.

He stood in front of me.

"What was that? " He asked me with wrath and I lifted my veil throwing it away before staring right into his eyes.

"Dancing" I say to him with an unbothered tone which pisses him off even more.

"Aadhya" He inhaled deeply before coming even closer to me. His hand folded at his back and his chest in front of my face. I glance fiercely at him.

"I know you did it on purpose" He said and I nodded at him.
"If you know then why ask" I say.

"Aahh" I screamed when suddenly he held my nape and pulled me closer to him, I held his bicep with my nails digging in his flesh.

"Do not fucking use that tone with me" He says. With each word his hold remained the same on my nape and tears threatened to appear but I stopped them.

My resolve won't waver. 

"I was nothing but respectful here but what have you given me in return?" I ask him with anger, my voice raised on its own. I never thought I would speak to him like that but I did.

"I waited and waited for you all these days but you were busy loving someone else who is not me"  I said, he frowned at me and the next moment I knew he left me with force that I stumbled back.

"Mind your manners," he said and left. I stood there with nothing but a broken heart and now even a bad image.

I saw him disappear, I ran to my chamber. 

I can't stay here any longer.


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