

Aadhya’s POV

I have done it now, he is angry with me.

"Rajkumari, Samarat kafi gussail hai?"

"Princess, is the king an angry person?" Meera asked me with big eyes when the palanquin started moving. I was leaving for Suryawat along with Meera. It was early morning.

I nodded at her without a second thought because I was in some other thoughts. Maybe he won't talk to me now. I messed up again.

"Toh kya unhone aap par chillaya?"

"So did he ever shout at you?" she asked and I without listening to her again nodded my head, my brows frowned when I imagined how he left me angrily after I asked him that question.

Is a wife not allowed to question her husband regarding these things? Should she just be a silent puppet in the marriage if it is arranged?

"Hayyee matlab unhone aap par haath bhi uthaya hai?"

"My God so did he even hit you?" I frustratingly nodded again, what is she babbling? I shook my head and looked out the window.

The whole ride she uttered ridiculous questions, which I did not listen to at all. I was worried and not really in a state of mind to listen to anything at the moment.

The palanquin stopped and I slightly parted the curtains to peek outside. It was a bit dark and I saw soldiers there rushing to make the tent and then there was my husband who was talking to someone.

I gulped hard, What should I do?

I lifted my lehenga skirt and stepped out of the palanquin, I corrected my veil. Meera helped me out and I was guided inside my tent by the maids. 

"What about the food?" I asked one of them and she lowered her head before me, "Samragi, the cooks are preparing it" she says.

"Take me there" I told her and she guided me, I will cook today. I was feeling like it and he has not eaten the food from my hands.

"Samragi Pranam" they all said and urged me not to cook but I was adamant. I sat down to make curry, the maids chopped the vegetables and I stirred the flavours in the pot.

My bangles made noises as I made food and we prepared it together. I was washing my hands and heard a loud voice.

"Ekkant" I flinched at the voice, I stood up instantly and corrected my veil before looking at Samrat, he was appearing furious. In a moment the area emptied and I was again nervous.

He charged at me and in an instant held my hand, "What are you doing here?" he asked me, his voice was calm but you could see the forehead veins appear. His hold over my hand tightened and I whimpered, it was hurting.

"S-samrat?" I asked not believing why he was asking me this. "I asked you why you are here, TELL ME?" this time his voice was harsh and tears made their way in my eyes. 

"I-I am sorry," I said not able to take in the way he was treating me, l was again crying, my head lowered and I felt his hold around my wrist soften. I withdrew my hand from his hold.

"Go inside" he said and I ran away, I entered inside and hugged Meera, she was there. She patted my head and I think she understood as she comforted me.

"M-Meera Hum hamesha galti kar dete hai"

"Merra I make mistakes every time" I told her, she patted my shoulder. "No Princess you do not make mistakes, relax" she says to me and I calmed down after a while.

"I do, I do. I made him angry again" I say taking hiccups. Why is he angry this time? I did not do anything.

"You do not, and I know everything will be alright after a while" she was saying but I just sat there blank.

I slept, I did not know when.

Aaravendra’s POV

Fuck, I yelled at her. I should have acted maturely but the thought of my wife making food for others was beyond unacceptable. The only mistake I made was that I yelled at her, I was fucking furious. Not at her but at her choices.

I sign as I saw her running away, I went to take a dip in the river. I calmed myself down inside the river. She was already scared and nervous of me and now she won't even look at me.

"I am going insane" I mumble as I stare at the dark sky, moonlight falling over the water making patterns at the running flow. 

I stood up and changed my attire elsewhere before going away to the servants, "What ever she had made will only be served to me" I say making it clear that my wife only cooks for me.

I told them to serve me food in my tent, I went to see my wife. But as soon as I entered I saw her sleeping while the maid was pressing her head. I frowned.

She stood up seeing me, "Pranam" I nodded at her and went towards the bed. "You can leave" I told her and she nodded.

I inch near my wife before I heard a low voice, "Samrat, forgive me for saying this. I do not know what happened with her to make her like that but she is a sensible girl and won't make mistakes again so please do not hit her" she said and lowered her head to my feet. 

I step back by the sudden act and told her to lift her head, she did so and I saw her crying. Why is everyone so emotional? 

"Hit her? What do you mean?" I asked her and she looked at me with a confused gaze.

"I-I am you hit her when you get angry" she says and my eyes widened with disbelief, I hit her? 

"Who said that?" I asked and she flinched at my tone before saying, "Rajkumari".

"Leave"  I told her, she was hesitant to do so but my one glare was enough to make her run away.

When did I hit her? Is she spreading false rumours about me?  I can't believe her. I inched closer and saw her sleeping over the mattress and her face was red and pale from all the crying. 

I was so confused. I wanted to leave but I did not know why I sat there staring at her. I ate the food and it was beyondd delicious, good no one will taste this other than me.

I wanted to make her wake up and let her eat as well, but she would be nervous again if I did so and she would surely run away. I sighed and sat near her on the bed.

Such a fragile girl she is, crying every time over anything. How will she become a Queen like that? I stared at her face, she was mesmerizing and I knew this from the time I layed my eyes on her.

My hand impromptu lifted to caress her head, those long hair that I fisted last night when I was angered, I regret it.

I caressed the smooth curls and lifted the strand to kiss it, it smelled like her. My eyes scanned her features, perfectly. I was moving my gaze over her and stopped at those lips again, they were still, not trembling right now. 

I was so close to kissing them last night. But she asked me something I did not expect her to. My lover? I stood up again as the memories flashed through my mind. I looked at her one last time and went out of the tent.

The girl was there and I looked at her, "Wake her up and make her eat. Tell her I want the plate empty. Also our talk should not reach her and you won't question her anything" I ordered her.

I can't face Aadhya.


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