6~ Apologize


Past Part 1


Arisa's POV

"You fucking nerd, don't even think of competing with us," The girl said. Her words took me aback.

"Don't abuse me, I have no interest in competing with you all". I said in my defense with equal hate, I hated them all.

"Oh yeah, then you won't mind this right" the girl said and took the file from my hands, "Give that back" I told her. I can't let anything happen to it. It contains all my hard work, I can't.

"Sure," The girl said and in a second she tossed it away in the air, I ran towards there, and my feet raced over the stairs as I reached the campus and then the fountain.

But before I could reach it was ruined. I tried to retrieve it but someone held me from the back.

"Leave me" I said but they did not stop and I saw my work go into vain.

They finally left me and I just stood there in disbelief, I can't do anything now.

My hand lifts a little to reach out but I stop it in the middle, the papers have submerged to the bottom of the fountain. I stared at nothing and heard waves of laughter and mockery from the crowd.

"Hey, isn't she the nerd? Just look at her, so fucking cheap" A girl said in disgust.

"Yeah right, she is too arrogant," Another one said with bitterness.

I was used to all this and I couldn't do anything, they targeted me every time. What have I done to them?

I stepped back a little, and a girl came and said, "Stay away from Arsh". I stepped back again at her words, she was making me sick.

"He would never even talk to a cunt like you" She continued to shade me and I felt weak. Fragile.

"Stop," I told her while my face was low, I did not know why I was behaving like this, I should voice it out, I had to retaliate.

But instead of that, I stood there helpless while they insulted me yet again. "I heard your father is a rich man, so why do you not dress up like it, ohh yeah, your stepmother would have kicked you out" I widened my eyes at her words and it did not take another second for me to turn around and run.

I ran away, locked myself in the washroom and cried, my tears did not stop as I recalled what she said.

'Stay away from Arsh'.

Yes, it was because of him. I hate him.

Six months Ago

Age Nineteen

It is so pretty, the college I will be studying at. I smiled as I stepped inside the premises and admired it.

Father agreed to send me here and I was more than happy, he was always strict about the idea but had to send me to maintain the reputation as a chairman of the college.

My eyes landed on the big fountain there, so pretty. I happily entered the class and paid attention to my very first lecture here, everyone was distant as we all were new but I managed to make some friends.

It was a new experience, I wasn't allowed to leave my home that often so I enjoyed coming here to the fullest.

The sweet days started and I was so happy, I could not wait to leave my house for college. We even sneaked out a lot and I never thought I could do something like this but my friends assured me saying once in a while is fine.

I think they may be right, not attending lectures for a day won't slow my grades. I will be at the top as always.

Soon the semester was approaching and I was fully focusing on it. I can't afford to lose my position.

"We all have gathered here to discuss... ." The seminar started and I was listening carefully but none of my friends allowed me to do so.

"Oh my goodness, isn't he, our senior?" one of my friends yelled and I turned to look at who they were talking about. My eyes landed on a man, I could not see his face his back was facing my side, so I was unable to figure out who he was. Is he someone important or something?

"Hayyee" I hike up my brows at their reactions."He just looked at me," one of the girls said while faking almost fainting. "Are you guys insane, let me hear what the guy on the stage is speaking of" I frustratingly yelled at them and they gave me shocked expressions.

"Oh Arisa, you don't like him?" I frowned at their words, "Obviously I don't" I replied with a shrug. How can you like any random person whose face I haven't seen?

They stare at me as if I am some woman who had committed an offence and would soon be killed by them, "Tu Asexual hai kya?"{Are you asexual?} one of them asked. I snapped my head in her direction, "What are you talking about?".

"This is what explains why you do not like the hottest man alive who is a genius with girls swirling around him every second," she told me, her tone was of a frustrated lawyer and I could feel myself standing in a courtroom while she asks me scandalous questions and a bunch of spectators who think I am guilty even before proven.

Before I could counter anything I heard a deep and rough voice, it was different than what I would expect of that old speaker so I looked up and saw someone else speaking. My eyes enlarged as I saw his face, isn't he him?

I gulp down the tension trying to make me panic and I finally understood what they were talking about.

Arsh's POV

This fucking old fart had invited me to this fucking seminar and had managed to waste my time perfectly. I progressed closer to the stage and on my way I heard screams, these girls are too much. 

I held the mic and the whole crowd fell silent, this was because I was about to speak, nothing new. When you see me you need to shut the fuck up.

"Thank you for having me here so I shall tell you about the advantages of learning from Mr Singh" I started and anyone could discern from my tone that I was far from unhappy to give the credit of my hard work to this snake head.

And I won't.

"As you know I landed an internship last year so the main thing you need to do is just don't listen to what this man says because when you listen to him, you fail" I told in an unbothered tone, and the whole hall was filled with laughs, hoots and screams.

I did not do that on purpose instead, this was the only purpose I had.

"Arsh what have you said?" he yells at me with a look that said he would seek revenge but one glance from me and he zipped shut his mouth. I know this looks like I was looking for trouble but the thing is I am trouble and this is the answer he gets after messing with me.

I stepped down the stage, the shouts still fresh in the crowd but just then I heard a small voice I was not bothered so I did not stop in my movements. I have to get some good sleep anyway.

"How can you say something like that?" I heard her say again but did I stop? No.

"This is disrespectful" This girl is annoying me now. I am trying not to make her cry here.

"You should apologize" My eyes went to her now, as I turned. She won't make it home normal today.

"What did you say?" I asked as I saw her face, she was wearing glasses, her nose was small and her lips were pouted a little. Ugly.

"That you should apologize to Mr Singh", her words were stern and I could see, she was serious and not pulling any pranks. She does not know me I guess. I small smile appeared on my face as I discovered who she was after a few moments. You can't forget someone that ugly and dull.

"Ah, You want an apology?" My voice was sarcastic and she visibly flinched at my words. My smirk intensified. "I do not need it, you should-" She spoke but soon gulped down those words as she realised I was just such inches away from her. Everything was silent and everything froze. She froze as she saw my eyes, I had made her speechless.

Looks like she hadn't forgotten the morning incident and it's good that way because I will make her pay for that and now this one is counted as well.

I slowly moved back and turned around again to go. Too much drama from the morning.

Flashback to this morning

I look up to see a small girl, what are children doing at our campus? I hardly cared if she wasn't standing in front of my car. I frowned at the manner she was standing there, ready to die.

I lowered my window's glass and shouted, "Go away Child" My words were rude and harsh. She did not move at all. Way to ruin the morning. I in an irritated manner stepped out of the car and strode to her.

"What are you doing?" I made sure not to curse at her which I was itching to do. "I need your help," she says and I frown at her fragile voice, does she not eat anything? 

"If you want to report torture then I will give you someone else's contact, I am busy," I told her and she widened her eyes at me, "What? You are clearly malnourished" I told her sternly.

"Shut up", she yells my way and my brows hike up at her shout. "Listen, girl, I am being lenient towards you doesn't mean you will raise your voice at me," I told her calmly.

"You can't judge me by the looks also I want you to take a dog to the hospital because only you are here," She says and I frown, "What dog?" I question her.

"Oh, he looks just like you but he is injured at the moment," She told me with an irritated voice.

I inched closer to her, "Fucking shut up" I yell at her, "You are getting on my nerves now" I yell at her and she flinched at me, "If you want that dog to be treated, apologize right now" I told her, I don't take shits from anyone.

She looked scared, just what I wanted and a few seconds after I said that she uttered a small 'sorry'. I would have taught her a good lesson but now I need to see the dog.

She guided me to where he was and I sat in the car along with her who was holding the small fellow. The dog was treated and I dropped both of them from where I had found them, she took the dog in her hands and turned around to leave while I started my car's engine.

"I am 19, not a child," she says and went away as soon as she says it and I stare at her back disappearing, She is freaking nineteen? 

End of flashback


He thinks she is ugly, will he regret it?

Love from Moon❤️

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