5~ Forced Kiss

The Forced Kiss


Arisa's POV

"Don't you dare leave without listening to me" He said and he tightened his hold over my waist and I turned red at the way his body was crushing me onto him.

"Arsh, you are going overboard. LEAVE ME", I yelled at him but his hole did not wither. Instead, he tightened his hold. I felt a warm breath near my neck and his lips were near my ear, I could hear him breathe. I gulped as he circled my waist roughly with his finger.

"Arisa, you are coming with me" he whispered in my ear and I could not help but take deep breaths, "I won't" I whispered with anger. I knew this was not what I should do, I should punch him but my body was saying otherwise.

He was so close to me, "Mr Mehrotra you are going off limits, leave Arisa" Vansh yelled as he strode towards us after exiting the car.

"Rathore, you want to get more work?" he questioned him and I in a jerk left him, "Vansh, I will come later" I told him and he looked at me with a confused gaze.

This can be dangerous. I was still drunk but this bastard made me sober.

"I will be alright" I assured him but he was still hesitant to leave, Arsh won't stop until he makes me do what he says so I need to send Vansh back, I don't want him to get in more trouble.

"Text me when you get home" he finally said and I nodded at him. He drove away and now it was just me and Arsh.

"Arisa, I" he started but I flung my hand, and it went right at his cheek. "How the fuck can you touch me like that?" I spoke with anger. I knew slapping him was a big deal but he cannot just do as he pleases.

He looked at me with a shocked expression and the next second he stepped close to me, I stepped back but I was not scared of all this.

"You are just making my life hell, that time too you made me go through hell. I forgave you that time but why are you doing this again? What have I done to you? I am finally happy and I have a good friend but you cannot digest that, you are behind me every fucking time" I yelled at him, I voiced out all my frustration at him.

"What do you want me to do? Tell me?" I shouted at him but he stayed silent. This angered me even more, it was as if I was a stuffed toy and he would use me however he wanted. I was definitely emotional because I drank a lot.

He finally looked at me but his eyes were filled with so much anger I knew I fucked up. God knows what he might do next.

"Arisa, you are such a bitch. But don't worry I will answer your question. What I want from you is this" he said and in the next second, he held my nape with full force and slammed his lips on mine.

I almost jumped back in surprise and my eyeballs would bulge out from my eyes, I was not expecting this. I was ready for a slap but not this. What is happening?

I slapped his chest but he did not stop, his hold over my nape tightened as he devoured me whole. His lips moved ferociously and I could feel myself powerless.

How can I not reject him? I need to fucking step away.

He held my hair and pulled them back in a swift motion, my head was lifted up and he kissed me again, this time involving his tongue.

I was just struggling here but he was enjoying it. I know, this is what he enjoys the most, making me a worthless person, making me a fragile woman and making me feel unwanted and ugly.

I felt tears coming in my eyes, I want to stop this. A tear escaped my eye as he kissed me forcefully. I wanted to leave him and hide somewhere. I could remember how he

I am a disgusting woman to even like how he touched me. I should not.

In a matter of seconds, I felt my body lighter, I was being eaten by the feeling. I want to die.

Arsh's POV

How dare she slap me? Was I a pervert? Nope, I was just doing what I needed to do and I will do it again. I will touch her again because she is mine to hate and mine to touch. Mine to do whatever the fuck I want.

The slap felt as if she hated my touch, I know she did not hate it. I will make sure she knows what she likes and what she does not. I turned to look at her again, she was burning with rage and I internally smirked, this woman is a lioness outside but at heart she is a broken soul.

"Arisa, you are such a bitch. But don't worry I will answer your question. What I want from you is this" I said, my words were filled with anger and stubbornness to win everything.

I wanted to win her hate. I wanted to win her rage and I wanted to win over her broken heart.

This feeling is weird but I can't let go.

I slammed my lips over her soft ones and she turned shocked at the action, her eyes were bulging out and her hands were slapping my chest, 'Oh Baby, I won't even move' I thought to myself.

Her small hands were not even able to hit me, it felt as if she was just lovingly touching me there. I did not care, I just did what I wanted. I kissed her aggressively, swallowing her, marking her.

The hold on her nape tightened and I tasted her, my lips were moving aimlessly but with force and she was just not able to understand anything. Her struggles stopped when I pulled her hair and kissed her while exploring her with my tongue. This feeling was new, I did not want to stop and I won't.

I will conquer her.

That Vansh, I thought he would understand after I warned him but he will have to see just what happens when you transcend my words. I will make sure he stays away from Arisa.

As I was kissing her, I felt her falling down. I finally stopped and saw her with tears, her whole face was red while she was struggling for air. She closed her eyes and I lifted her up, she could not handle it at all. She is the same as before, weak.

Even if she masks her appearance with boldness, I know how broken and weak she is but only I can know.

"Right, my rival?" I whispered near her ear while she just stared at me with half-opened eyes that closed after I smirked at her.

I turned around to move her towards my car, she needed good sleep.

"I thought you hated her" I lifted my gaze at the irritating and loud voice, "I do hate her" I told her without staring at her for another second of my time.

"Bold of you to say that when you just kissed her like your life depends on it" she says and I pause at my steps.

I stood there and a chuckle escaped my lips, "I hate her but don't think you can compete. You are nothing but a distrustful woman. Remember that and do not cross your boundaries" I told her.

"This is called cheating" she says, "What are you to me? Are you my girlfriend? My wife? My fuck buddy" she grits her teeth at my question. Her palms force into fists and she aggressively turned her head down.

"You are no one" I told her with a bitter expression and went away to make Arisa sit in the car. I turned away to look at her again, "Go away, I won't tolerate anything this time" I told her and finally drove away.


I will conquer her~ Arsh Mehrotra. Will he?

Love from Moon❤️

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