4~ Drunk Party

The Drunk Party


Arisa's POV

I was mad beyond bounds, Arsh had done it yet again.

He had removed Vansh from the project for the time being and given him some other work, I can't believe him. Just how much does he want to trouble me? But it is alright I am no weak girl to cry over these matters.

I hope this gets over as soon as possible, I won't be able to take this bullshit for long. I love my job or else I would have punched him and resigned but I can't do that.

"Hey, are you dating him?" I heard Jhanvi's voice, here we go again. "I am not, not yet" I added those words on purpose. It is better to be linked with Vandh than Arsh and I would die than look at him again.

"Yet? I see" she smirked and wrapped her hand around my shoulder, "We have the next weekend off and the CEO is hosting a party, why not show up with him?" she said and I smiled her way.

She gives the best suggestions when it comes to these things, but should I do as she says? I don't think so, I don't want to show up with him just to piss Arsh off. But I really don't mind going with him if this is a normal situation.

I sigh, this is getting too complicated. I might as well just go alone, it is the best for now.

Time went by, and Arsh was being too strict with me, he would not listen to my suggestions, he would point out weird things and he would just irritate the hell out of me, not to mention I wasn't able to see Vansh the whole week and he did it on purpose.

Poor guy had to work overtime because of me. I need to maintain my distance from Vansh when Arsh is around or he will make him suffer more.

"Hey, are you going to the party alone?" I turned around to see a man, I do not know him. I hate this, if he knows me he will feel bad that I do not know him and if I have met him and forgotten about him, that will be the worst.

"I am Ayush, don't worry I was just asking because I thought we could go together" I frowned at him. Does he think a total stranger can ask me this and I will agree?

I was about to yell at him but he showed me puppy eyes, I looked around to see a group of people, a dare huh.

I sigh, I finally nod and he smiled at me for you know saving him. I do not know why I melt like this, I should stay away from people but I can't say no.

"Thank you so much I really appreciate it" he says as he holds my hand, I get a little bit off by the gesture. I fake-smiled at him and he went away.

I sigh, why do I get involved in shit every fucking time.

I turned around and collided with a hard chest, what the hell?

"Are you bli-?" I zipped my mouth shut when I saw my devil head glaring at me, now what have I done to piss him off?

"You never change" he said and before I could ask what, why or say something else, he walked past me.

"Arsh Mehrotra, such an asshole" I murmured under my breath.

The party was finally here and just as I thought, Vansh was not picking up my call, he was so busy. I felt for him, I should have just said sorry and moved on. At Least Vansh would have not suffered.

I had worn an emerald tie-up dress. It was pretty, looked elegant and fit me like a glove. I accessorized it and left my black shoulder-length hair open, wore my earring and put on a red lipstick. I hope I look good.

I reached the venue and just as promised that guy met him just outside, oh god! Now I will be linked up with him, what a pain in the head.

"Hey, I am sorry if you had to wait" I say and he shrugs his hand off, "You are perfect" he replies to me with a smile.

"You look good" he says and I compliment him as well before we move in together. I saw the hall, it was filled with so many people, my inner anxiety crawled back and I gulped but still kept my composure. I have grown up and past it, no worries.

I let out a breath of relief as I saw Arsh was nowhere near my vision. He better not see us together.

We sat and the CEO gave his speech followed by many others. I did not see Vansh, he should have been here. I wonder what happened to him.

"Hey, would you like to drink?" Ayush asks me and I politely refuse him. I would drink but not today, I just drink near trusted people. One of my phobias.

The party went smoothly until Ayush had to excuse himself, and the worst part was yet to come. Riya's entry alongside her boyfriend, Mr Arsh Mehrotra.

She was all over him, and I could feel him getting off many times during the party but still I chose to stay away from the so-in-love couple.

But as you already know, things never go according to my plans in my life. The worst part was yet to come.

I saw Jhanvi, over-excited as always, coming my way. "Arissaa, Tu toh aaj mar dalegi Sab ladko ko" (Arisa, you will kill many guys today) she says with an over-dramatic tone and an over-dramatic expression.

"Koi nahi marega itni jaldi"

"No one will die," I said while I rolled my eyes at her talk.

'Agar kisi ko marna hi hai toh yeh aadmi mar jae, acha hoga' I thought to myself.

"Vansh?" she asked me and I shook my head at the question, "I am not in touch with him".

"Yeah I also don't see him often," she says with a sad pout and I hike up my brows, "What?" I asked. "Um I mean I don't see him with you often" she clarifies.

For a second I thought she saw him daily or something.

"Oh look, Mr Mehrotra is saying something" We both snapped our heads at Arsh who was apparently giving a speech. Perks of being the project head.

"I am delighted that everyone is liking the work our team has done so far and I will ensure we never disappoint the clients," he said. Short and simple. But I just find him fake, he isn't like that.

He is something different, an arrogant asshole who just wants his work to get done smoothly.

"Let's drink" Jhanvi said and pulled me towards the small bar at the corner.

"No, I am good," I told her but stubborn she is, so I had to drink. I hope I get home safely. I need to take a cab now.

I saw Riya and Arsh together, "They look good together. The IT couple" his girl. I will kill her. I nod at her unwillingly. Both are the same, ugly bitches.

I saw Arsh put his hand around her waist and she clung to him as he talked to a man. I sipped another glass, and I was getting dizzy.

"You know, this girl is the daughter of Mr. Singhania" I frown at her. "You Know too much, why not write a book about your IT couple" I commented with a straight face but only I knew how much anger I was holding back.

"Oh God, Arisa. If I have to write a book I will write about you. This Riya is nowhere near my baby" I rolled my eyes at her, but I could not stop a smile from coming on my lips. We giggled together.

"I am coming in a minute" I told her as I made my way to the washroom, "Don't be late" she said.

I walked but I could feel myself blanking out, not good. I need to pee. I somehow managed that and after I was done, I walked the corridor on my own. A few people were there.

But before I knew it I stepped back, losing my balance. I was ready for a hard butt fall but I rested in something else. I turned around to comprehend and saw Vansh.

"Vansh? What are you doing here?" I asked him and he sighed before saying. "I came just now and Jhanvi told me you were here so I thought I would find you near here" he said with a smile and I smiled back.

"Drank a lot?" he asked me and I nodded childishly, "I will take you come" he said and I took his hand to safely reach or else I would die on my own.

"You were quite busy" I managed to utter as I saw many people in front of me, I squeezed his hand out of anxiety and as if understanding me he assured me with his words, "I thought you might want to see me here" I chuckled at his words.

"I did want to see you" I said and we reached the hall.

"Jhanvi?"I asked, "Looks like she left" he said and I checked my phone to confirm it, she did go home.

"I think we shall go as well" he says and I frown, "But you came just now, are you sure?" I asked him and he shook his head, "I am good, this is boring anyway".

"I will drop you" he said and we made our way towards his car but before we could, I saw Arsh standing there.

He inched closer to us and said, "Arisa, I need to talk to you" he said.

Kaisa aadmi hai, Ab kyu piche pada hai mere.

"Why, where did your girlfriend go?" I sarcastically asked, he should have avoided me, I get too frank when I drink.

"Uska iss Sab Mei koi Lena dena nhi hai"

"She has nothing to do in all this" he says and I glared at him.

"We are not in a meeting so why are you disturbing me?" I asked him but he glared at Vansh, this angered me even more.

"What do you mean? I have important work with you" he says as to clarify his actions but I was not having any of it.

"I am busy, we need to go" I said as I held Vansh by the hand. I turned my heels to walk away but was held by Arsh's hand.

"Sir, this is not the time nor place. You can talk later" Vansh says to him but this man just glares at him followed with, "Stay out of it Rathore".

"I won't, you are clearly forcing her to talk with you" Vansh said in his defense and I smirked at Arsh who just burned with anger.

As Vansh turned me and we made our way to the car, I could feel someone burning holes in us. I do not care.

"I am sorry, I spoke out of place," Vansh says but I smile at him. "You were alright, thank you" I assured him.

As I was about to sit, I was pulled from the back with a hand over my waist, my back collided with a hard chest and I aggressively turned away, "What the f-" I said but my words were sealed when I saw Arsh holding me roughly with his hand around my waist. 


Love from Moon❤️

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